
Alaina Metzler, 25岁


The faculty members at Mount Union have had the biggest impact on my collegiate experience, 帮我培养技能.


B. S. 化学






作为学生大使,我经常被问到这个问题. 我的回答是:人民. I have met some of my closest friends during my time at Mount and have loved being surrounded by like-minded people every step of the way. 教授和同学都希望看到彼此成功, 不断挑战和激励彼此, 同时给予坚定的支持和鼓励. This is extremely important in a learning environment and has helped me find my niche academically. I can often be found in professor office hours where not only am I receiving academic support, but I am also getting to know my professors and developing the meaningful relationships that people look forward to building in college. 参与 opportunities and events also make Mount feel like my second home! I am one to take full advantage of every opportunity that is offered to me. 在高中时, I was heavily involved and knew that I wanted to continue this in college and Mount has let me do just that!


The biggest piece of advice I would give to high school students is to tour the campuses they are interested in and ask lots of questions! Student Ambassadors are the best resource to answer the questions of prospective students because we have been in the exact position that high school students are in during the college search process. It is also extremely important for students to find the right fit for them by considering the size of a university, 离家的距离, 学术项目, 学生参与的机会. 这些都可以帮助你决定最好的选择! 


I have been fortunate to have been offered a multitude of opportunities during my time at Mount Union which are preparing me for success! 我有机会开始与博士的生物化学研究. 博伊德-金博尔,我的第二学期, which has continued and expanded to organic chemistry research with Dr. 伍德沃德. 在2023年夏天, I was able to conduct computational and organic chemistry research on campus with Dr. 德怀尔博士. 作为数据科学研究基金的一部分! This project taught me a multitude of new techniques and methods that I had not been exposed to. 课外活动, 我作为化学导师的角色, 预览指南, and student ambassador have allowed me to strengthen my communication and leadership skills while building interpersonal relationships with incoming students needing guidance with the high school to college setting transition. My involvement on campus and that of other students demonstrates the versatility and flexibility of students at Mount Union!


Stayin' Alive, Stayin' Alive: A Study of Memory and Reaction Time in Diverse Populations

When flipping through playlists, how quickly do you recognize songs? 你有没有错过一句台词或者唱得太长? 也许有一个科学的解释! This project focused on memory and reaction time of a diverse population, 基于年龄, gender, 熟悉歌曲, 通过让受试者完成三个音乐提示的歌词. Reaction times and durations of responses were measured and compared using WavePad software. 结果发现,对照组, men, 乡村音乐爱好者, and those who identified as slightly musically inclined displayed better response length (duration) and promptness (reaction time). Subjects over 30 years old performed better in duration, while those 30 and under were more prompt.

This project could lead to further advancement in metacognition-understanding our thought process- and memory. 未来的工作可能包括扩大样本量, 测试不同的类型和时间, 包括新的识别标准, 并分析体积的影响.

The identified trends are important because research has found significant improvement in auditory and visual reaction time when background music plays. Additionally, studies concluded that increased volume slows reaction time. This is especially relevant when driving: background music may help reaction, 但只在低容量的情况下. Musical exposure also helps maintain slightly quicker reaction times for aging populations thus preserving abilities for longer. 同样地, memory can be positively impacted by setting information to a song or listening to a certain genre when studying to elicit stronger response during exams if the music is present.